EPG EPILEAN SHRED | Lean Muscle Mass Support
Epilean Shred was formulated to help you lean, hard muscle naturally in as little as 30 days! This is the ultimate all-in-one muscle building supplement. No more needing to stack bottles and bottles of products together. You get everything you need in just one pill! What makes Epilean Shred different from other products like this on the market? Not only will it help you build lean muscle, but it helps you reduce bloating and water weight, giving you that amazing ripped look! How? It does this with it's main ingredients, Epiandrosterone, Epicatchetin and Arimistane.
Benefits & Highlights
- Supports Increases in Lean Muscle Mass Naturally
- Helps to Reduce Water Weight and Bloating
- Increase Strength and Power Output
- Achieve that Ripped Look in as Little as 30 Days
Directions & Dosage
EPG recommend that you take 1-3 capsules per day of Epilean. If you are an advanced user, you can take up to 6 capsules per day. These should be spread out evenly throughout the day, but can be take with or without food. Take for up to 8 weeks.
Ingredients & Supplement Facts